2021 Global Safty Day

April 28th 2021 marks Global Safety Day. A day set aside for organisations to raise awareness on workplace health and safety issues.
At SP Brewery, “Putting Safety First” is paramount at the workplace.
On top of internal activities carried out at the work place today, our Lae Brewery participated in two successful emergency drills.
The first one was a fire drill and the second drill was on Ammonia leakage. The PNG Fire Service and St John Ambulance was on site to help facilitate and participate in these two drills. Taking the lead in coordinating these drills was Lae Safety Coordinator, Edward Tido, with the Lae Brewery’s Fire Wardens.
In the other offices and sites, staff took to discussing health and safety issues by #AskingASafetyQuestion and virtually sharing those discussions with the rest of the staff.
Upholding safety at the workplace means we get to go home to see our families.